Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Announcing Changes to Our Board

We have an announcement! 
Our beloved board member, Maribeth Hinderer, has moved from Washington State to Kansas. We miss her like crazy, but are fortunate that she still travels out to see family and friends in the area several times each year.
Maribeth helped me to found this guild with her encouragement, sewing skills, generous donations and support. She has been a strong cornerstone in our work and we are forever grateful to her for her friendship, love and dedication. However, her relocation has made her job as Vice President a bit difficult.

Enter guild member Mary Ryan. Mary is the mother of Briana, our guild's junior member, and is presently serving as our "Gratitude Ambassadress" - she writes the "thank you" notes for donations, and keeps the spreadsheet current for our reporting to the Guild Association. Mary does all of this quietly and never seeks any kind of credit or thanks. We appreciate Mary and all she does, and now, she has accepted the position of Vice President of Katie's Comforters Guild.  
Thank you, Maribeth and Mary!
Our Board of Directors:
Karen Gerstenberger, Founder and President
Mary Ryan, Vice President
Andrea Cunningham, Secretary
Linda Case, Treasurer

We are so grateful to each member of our board for all that each one does to help us in our mission of bringing comfort to the patients of Seattle Children's Hospital. We couldn't do this work without you!

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