Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Way to Label Blankets

One of our guild members, Karen W., has given us a number of helpful suggestions. She shared a good idea about labeling the blankets we donate, using the cards that I made that tell about our guild.

If you haven't seen the cards, and want to receive some, please send me an email. The front looks something like this (I'm having difficulty with the formatting on blogger, so it looks better in person), and the back side has a brief explanation of what our guild does:

Katie’s Comforters Guild at
Seattle Children's Hospital
M/S S-200, PO Box 50020
4800 Sand Point Way N.E.
Seattle, WA 98145-5020

Karen W. sews the paper cards onto the blankets that she makes with a small stitch onto the corner of the quilt, and ties a knot in it. The recipient can easily remove the small knot (and card) when they receive the blanket. She suggested that this might even inspire friends or family members to share our story and spread the word about the guild.

A family friend, Marisa, recently donated some beautiful batik fabric. Here are photos of the pieces:
Aren't they gorgeous? If you need fabric for making quilts, and would like to use some of this batik, please let me know.

Thank you, Karen & Marisa!

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