Monday, August 6, 2012

Gratitude from a Patient's Mom

We received this note via facebook from Nicole C.:

"I just have to tell you all, keep up the great work! My baby spent her first 9 days in children's hospital and in the NICU she was given a fleece blanket that they lined her bed with, it may seem silly but that blanket made her dad and I's day! It became her lucky blanket and still hangs in her room a year later. We also received a crocheted blanket and a little hat that are equally important to us. It helped us to feel not so alone having others that cared about our little girl. I now make blankets and hats and donate them once a year, I can't wait for my daughter to get old enough to understand what we are doing for other babies and kids and that she was cared for in the same way. Thanks again for caring!"

Blessings to you and your family, Nicole! 
Thank you for letting us know how Katie's Comforters Guild's blankets made a lasting difference to you and your baby girl.

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